The wonder, the majesty.

Monday, March 05, 2007
8:37 am

Release of the A Level Results

I thank God that He gave me 4As (triple science and math), B3 for GP, distinction for Bio S and Merit for Chem S :) This is something that i have never expected because my prelim grades were like BBCD and D7 for gp, merit for Bio S and ungraded for Chem S!!!

to friends who have done up to their expectation: CONGRATS :):):) You have fought the war well and rejoice!!!!

to friends who didn't do up to their expectation: no matter what the outcome is, there's always new morning waiting for you ahead.

All the very best in life to all my JC friends :)

the anthem


hallplay me
Name: Louis Lim
D.O.B.: 16/06/1988
NUS Pharmacy Class of 2011
King Edward VII Hall


Hui Ning
June Lim
Geri Foo
Rachel Ong
Mr. Lai
Chun Keat
Kelvin Anggara
Han Yang
Chee Jun
Peng Siang
Nik Toh
Jasmine Goh
Claudia Goh
My Cell Blog
KEVII Hall Blog

all generations
