The wonder, the majesty.

Monday, February 12, 2007
1:31 pm

february updates :)

Hi there... Louis is here to update his old blog.. i think i should change my blogskin.. aha.. it's like so old now. I should learn how to design one too :P

for the time being:
I miss my JC days. I miss all my friends... namely: 05s16, NJChoir, ASEAN friends, 05S7A, rioHC and all the people from my batch whom I knew :( oh man i really really miss you guys :(

these past few weeks were not too bad for me... work wasn't too busy or too slack.. At the beginning of last week, I was suffering quite a bit cos I was very broke. My cheque came in only on monday and I can only get my money on wednesday... I know how it feels to be broke... but upon receiving the money, I felt great :) and generous too :P haha..

The first thing I did to the money I have withdrawn was to clear my debts... which amounted to about S$100 ++... I had been very desperate the past few weeks :P Blue tea, the sundary (is this how you spell it) shop from my boarding school has been earning quite a lot from me upon my new affluence :P and I have gained some fats. I need to EXERCISE... it seems that self-motivation is not enough for me.. i need ppl to run with me. anyone available? that being said, I could not really afford much time for that :( my after-work schedule for this week:

mon: andrew's(my church junior?) tuition at marine parade from 5.00++pm to 6:45pm... and have to rush back for boarding school study time duty from 7:45pm to 10 pm
tues: study time
wed: study time
thurs: tuition at potong pasir from 6 to 8pm
friday: pack stuff to go back + at 6:30pm there will be a phone interview from Cardiff University, UK + after interview, i have to perform for the boarding school's CNY dinner
sat morning: bye bye singapore
sat afternoon to next tues evening: ANGPOW!!
next tues night: hi singapore

to all my friends and family,


the anthem


hallplay me
Name: Louis Lim
D.O.B.: 16/06/1988
NUS Pharmacy Class of 2011
King Edward VII Hall


Hui Ning
June Lim
Geri Foo
Rachel Ong
Mr. Lai
Chun Keat
Kelvin Anggara
Han Yang
Chee Jun
Peng Siang
Nik Toh
Jasmine Goh
Claudia Goh
My Cell Blog
KEVII Hall Blog

all generations
